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Teksten van Liederen 16 t/m 30


I’ve been a wild rover for many a year
and I spent all my money on whisky and beer
but now I’m returning with gold in great store
and I never will play the wild rover no more

And it’s no, nay, never, no nay never no more
will I play the wild rover, no never, no more.

I went to an alehouse I used to frequent
and I told the landlady my money was spent
I asked her for credit she answered me nay
such a custom as you I can have every day

And it’s no…

I then took from me pocket ten sovereigns bright
and the landlady’s eyes opened wide with delight
she said I’ve got whisky and wines of the best
and the words that I told on were only unjust.

And it’s no…

I went to my parents, confess what I’ve done
and I asked them to pardon their prodigal son
and as they caressed me as oft’ times before
I never will play the wild rover no more.

And it’s no…

(tekst/muziek Jef Hofmeister)

Op een mistige morgen
keek God naar benee
zag een engel op aarde
op een schip in de zee.
En hij vroeg aan Maria
wat weet jij van dat kind
ze is nog mooier dan Jezus
ze is wat ik bemin.

Maar ze heeft al een minnaar
waar ze van houdt
dat zei Maria ze is al getrouwd
met de man van haar dromen
getrouwd in uw naam
voor eeuwig verbonden
voor altijd tesaam.

Maar als ik God was kwam ik naar benee doodde haar man en nam haar mee
Maar God blijft daarboven en ik hier benee en zij blijft voor altijd mijn ster van de zee.


Farewell to you my own true love
I'm going far far away
I am bound for California
and I know that I'll return some day.

So fare thee well my own true love
and when I return united we will be.
It's not the leaving of Liverpool that grieves me,
but my darling when I think of thee.

I have shipped on a Yankee sailing ship,
Davy Crockett is her name,
and Burgess is the captain of her
and they say she is a floating hell.

So fare thee well…

Oh the sun is on the harbour love,
and I wish I could remain,
for I know it will be some long time
before I see you again.

So fare thee well…


As we sailed on the water blue,
Whiskey Johnny
A good long pull and a strong'one too,
Whiskey for my Johnny

Whiskey killed my brother Tom…
I drink whiskey all day long…

Whiskey made me pawn my clothes…
Whiskey gave me this red nose…

Whiskey stole my brains away….
The bos'n pipes and I'll belay…

Whiskey is the life of man…
Oh, I'll drink whiskey while I can…

Oh, whiskey straight and whiskey strong…
Give me some whiskey and I'll sing you a song…

Oh, whiskey makes me wear old clothes…
Whiskey gave me a broken nose…

Whiskey killed my poor old dad…
Whiskey drove my mother mad…

If whiskey comes too near my nose…
I tip it up and down she goes…

I had a gal and her name was Lize…
She puts whiskey in her pies…

My wife and I cannot agree…
She puts whiskey in her tea…

Here comes the cook with a whiskey can…
A glass of grog for every man…

A glass of grog for every man…
And a bottle full for the shanty-man…

I drink it hot and drink it cold…
I drink it new and I drink it old…

(canon, tekst/muziek Vincent de Lange)

Storm op zee,
de benen stevig op het dek
het hoofd geheven in de nek;
Storm op zee!

Storm op zee,
de benen stevig op het dek
het hoofd geheven in de nek;
Storm op zee!
Jaaah………. (etc.)


Three pirates came to London town, Yoho!, Yo ho
Three pirates came to London town, Yoho!, Yo ho
Three pirates came to London town to see the king put on his crown.
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!
Yo ho!, you lubbers, Yo ho!, you lubbers, Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!

At first they came to a way-side inn, Yoho!, Yoho! (2x)
At first they came to a way-side inn and said: "Good landlord, let us in."
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!….

Pirates: Oh landlord, have you bags of gold, Yoho!, Yoho! (2x)
Enough to fill the afterhold?
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!….

Landlord: Oh yes, sirs, I have bags of gold, Yoho!, Yoho! (2x)
Enough to fill the afterhold.
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!….

Pirates: Oh landlord,have you daughters fair, Yoho!, Yoho! (2x)
With laughing eyes and curly hair?
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!….

Landlord: Oh yes, sirs, I have daughters fair, Yoho!, Yoho! (2x)
With laughing eyes and curly hair.
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!….

Pirates: Oh landlord, will they marry us, Yoho!, Yoho! (2x)
And sail the sea without a fuss?
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!….

Landlord: Oh yes, sirs, they will marry you, Yoho!, Yoho! (2x)
And sail with you across the blue.
Yo ho!, Yo ho!, Yo ho!….

(tekst/muziek Pierre Kartner?)

Wendt het roer, we komen thuis gevaren,
Rijk was de buit, maar bang en zwart de nacht.
Land in zicht! En onze ogen staren,
naar de kust, die lonkend op ons wacht.

Als de klok van Arnemuiden
welkom thuis voor ons zal luiden
Wordt de vreugde soms vermengd met droefenis,
als een schip op zee gebleven is.

Rijke zee, waarvan de vissers dromen,
Want jij geeft brood, aan man en vrouw en kind.
Wrede zee, je hebt zoveel genomen.
In jouw schoot, rust menig trouwe vrind.

Als de klok…

(tekst/muziek Jef Hofmeister)

Niemand weet waarheen hij gaat,
Als de ziel het schip verlaat.
En niemand weet waarheen hij reist,
Als de ziel op de wind wegdrijft.

En de zee, de zee,
mijn trouwe bondgenoot.
Stelt zich aan de stormwind bloot,
en vormt zich stomme golven,
die zich als wolven
werpen op dit schip.


En de zee….


What shall we do with the drunken sailor, (3x)
Early in the morning?.

Hoo-ray and up she rises (3x),
early in the morning

Put him in the long-boat 'till he's sober, (3x)
early in the morning?


Pull out the plug and wet him all over, (3x)
early in the morning?.


Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him,(3x)
early in the morning?.


Shave his face with a rusty razor, (3x)
early in the morning?.


That's what we do with a drunken sailor, (3x)
Early in the morning?.



Look ahead, look astern, look the weather and the lee
Blow high! Blow low! And so sailed we.
I see a wreck to wind-ward and a lofty ship to lee.
A-sailing down all on the coast of High Barbaree.
O are you a pirate or man o'war cried we?
Blow high! Blow low! And so sailed we.
O no! I'm not a pirate, but a man o'war, cried he.
A-sailing down all on the coast of High Barbaree.
Then back up your topsails and heave your vessel to.
Blow high! Blow low! And so sailed we.
For we have got some letters to be carried home by you.
A-sailing down all on the coast of High Barbaree.
For broadside, for broadside, they fought all on the main.
Bow high! Blow low! And so sailed we
Until at last the frigate shot the pirate's mast away.
A-sailing down all on the coast of High Barbaree.
With cutlass and gun o we fought for hours three.
Blow high! Blow low! And so sailed we.
The ship it was their coffin and their grave it was the sea
A-sailing down all on the coast of High Barbaree.


Was you ever in Quebec?
Bonnie Laddie, Hieland Laddie.
Stowing timber on the deck,
My Bonnie Hieland Laddy.

Hey, ho, and away we go.
Bonnie Laddie, Hieland Laddie.
Hey, ho, and away we go,
my Bonnie Hieland Laddie

Was you ever in Callao,
Bonnie Laddie, Hieland Laddie.
Where the girls are never slow,
My Bonnie Hieland Laddy.

Hey, ho……..

Was you ever in Baltimore,
Bonnie Laddie, Hieland Laddie,
Dancing on that sanded floor,
My Bonnie Hieland Laddy.

Hey, ho…….

Was you ever in Aberdeen,
Bonnie Laddie, Hieland Laddie.
Prettiest girls you've ever seen,
My Bonnie Hieland Laddy.

Hey, ho…….


Oh', we're homeward bound to Liverpool town,
Goodbye, fare thee well (2x)
Where them Liverpool Judies they all will come down,
…Hurrah! me boys, we're homeward bound.

Them gals there on Limestreet we soon hope to meet,
Goodbye, fare thee well (2x)
And soon we'll be rolling both sides of the street,
…Hurrah! me boys, we're homeward bound.

We'll meet those fine girls and we'll ring the old bell,
Goodbye, fare thee well (2x)
With them Judies we'll meet there we'll raise bloody hell,
…Hurrah! Me boys, we're homeward bound.

And I'll tell me old woman when I get back home,
Goodbye, fare thee well (2x)
The girls there on Lime street won't leave me alone,
…Hurrah! me boys, we're homeward bound.

We're homeward bound to the gals of the town,
Goodbye, fare thee well (2x)
So stamp up me bullies and heave it around
…Hurrah! me boys, we're homeward bound.

Oh, we're homeward bound, they'll just have to know,
Goodbye, fare thee well (2x)
And over the water to Liverpool we'll go
Hurrah! me boys, we're homeward bound.

(tekst/muziek Jeff Hofmeister)

Magdalena heb een anker getatoeëerd
en niemand weet waar, en niemand weet waar
Alleen Maria ken het weten,
want die heb haar gescheerd.
..Met een mes en een schaar,
..een mes en een schaar, een mes en een schaar.

Om haar te tatoeëren,
moest Magdalena gesnoeid,
maar mijne heren,
haar anker is reeds begroeid.

..en niemand weet waar, en niemand weet waar

Magdalena laat haar anker aan niemand ooit zien
..het is een geheim, het is een geheim
maar alle mannen dromen en hopen bovendien
..dat zij het zijn, dat zij het zijn
die ooit mogen duiken
tot diep in de zee
die ooit mogen ruiken
met wat voor zeep Maria het dee

..en niemand weet waar, en niemand weet waar..
..met een mes en een schaar,
..een mes en een schaar, een mes en een schaar,
..het is een geheim, het is een geheim
..dat zij het zijn, dat zij het zijn, dat zij het zijn


As we were a-fishin' ----off Haisburgh Light,
Shootin' an' haulin' ---an' trawlin' all night,
It was windy old weather --- stormy old weather,
When the wind blows --- we all pull together.

When up jumped a HERRING -- the queen of the sea,
Says now, "Old Skipper --- you cannot catch me,"
In this windy……

We sighted a THRASHER --- a-slashin' his tail,
"Time now, Old Skipper --- to hoist up your sail."
In this windy……

Then jumps up a SLIPSOLE -- as strong as a horse,
Says now,"Old Skipper --- you're miles off your course"
In this windy……

Then along comes a PLAICE ---who's got spots on his side
Says,"Not much longer --- these seas you can ride."
In this windy……

Then up rears a CONGER --- as long as a mile,
"winds comin' east'ly" --- he says with a smile.
In this windy……

I think what these fishes are sayin' is right,
We'll haul up our gear now an'steer for the light.
Cos it's……


Call all hands to man the capstan,
See the cable run down clear,
Heave a-way, and with a will, boys,
For old England we will steer,
And we'll sing in joyfull chorus,
In the watch-es of the night,
and we'll sight the shores of England When the gray dawn brings the light.

Rolling home, rolling home
Rolling home a-cross the sea;
Rolling home to dear old England,
Rolling home, dear land, to thee.

Up aloft amid the rigging,
Blows the loud exulting gale,
Like a bird's wide out-stretched pinions
Spreads on high each swelling sail;
And the wild waves cleft behind us,
Seem to murmur as they flow,
There are loving hearts that wait you
In the land to which you go.
Rolling home…

Many thousand miles behind us,
Many thousand miles before,
Ancient ocean heaves to waft us,
To the well-remembered shore,
Cheer up, Jack, bright smiles await you,
From the fairest of fair,
And her loving eyes will greet you
With kind welcomes everywhere.
Rolling home…